



Federation Starships

Klingon Starships

Personal Ships

Ship Wamw I

The I.K.S. wamwI' orbiting Qo'nos after a successful patrol.
NameI.K.S. wamwI'
ClassQulDun Bird of Prey


     "The earliest known classes of Bird-of-Prey were in operation in the mid-22nd century. By 2270 the Empire had introduced one of the most successful and long serving class of Bird-of-Prey, the B'rel-class. The B'rel-class was designed from Romulan concepts obtained in the Klingon-Romulan Alliance, the most notable technology integrated into the vessel from that alliance being a cloaking device. From the B'rel spawned many different designs, one of which was the QulDun class scout. "

-Federation data file introduction on the QulDun class scout.

Mission Summary

     The I.K.S. wamwI's mission is one of stealth and scouting. Under Krimex's command the ship has been tasked directly with prowling the Federation border near Drozana Station, and attacking any prey that wanders through unescorted or weakened.

Vessel Namesake

     The I.K.S. wamwI' was named by a previous ship captain shortly after it was commissioned. Due to the captains ability to sneak through enemy locations undetected and attack shipping as necessary, the vessel was named 'wamwI'' by the captain after it's first shakedown cruise. The English translation is 'Hunter'.

Ship Specifications

Production Base: IKSBC Manufacturing - Praxis Construction Yard

Type: QulDun Klingon Bird of Prey

Accommodation: 50 officers and crew

Power Plant: [Classified]

Dimensions: Length, 157.76 meters, Beam, 181.54 meters, Height, 98.54 meters.

Mass: 236,000 metric tonnes

Performance: [Classified]

Armament: 2 Disruptor canons, 1 Disruptor turret / 1 Photon Torpedo launcher (fore)

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